Dark Venues
Dark Venues
The reality is not every wedding is going to be outside on a partly cloudy day with a ray of sunshine peeking through at just the right angle. Yes, this is what every wedding photographer dreams of, mostly. Most receptions do not take place outside, in the golden hour, or during the longest summer day. Most weddings have an indoor reception and/or last into the night. There are ceremonies in churches, in dark venues, at night inside and outside. There is one thing that is unavoidable, the sun will set and the moon will rise.
Do you have a photographer who can handle the absence of natural light? Do you have a photographer who can handle for the multitude of situations that can happen when that light vanishes? Do you have a photographer who can still, despite the absence of natural light, provide you with an image that feels like that moment?
What if it rains and all the images need to be moved indoors? Do you have photographer who can get creative with the indoors?
I have shot in many dark venues. I have learned to adapt to the ever changing circumstances of a dark venue. You have to be prepared for the unexpected. Every person has a different feel to them, and the image has to reflect the person in the end. Just because two couples get married in a dark venue does not mean those images should look the same. A dramatic theatrical couple is very different from a quiet soft and romantic couple, and the images should represent that mood.
Dark venues are a reality. If you are planning on having your ceremony or reception at a dark venue, make sure to ask you photographer how they plan to light it. Also ask them to see example of how they have lit them in the past.
There are a variety of ways a situation can be lit, and that can change the entire feel of the photo or situation. I am a light junkie. I am always looking for new ways a dark room can be illuminated and preserve the original feeling.

So basically, I can rock a dark venue. Dark venues don’t scare me.
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