Westin in Westminster Summer Wedding | Camri and Tyler
Westin in Westminster Summer Wedding
I love this August wedding, and Camri and Tyler’s Westin in Westminster Summer wedding was wonderful. These two were so laid back and relaxed. This made everything flow so well. Westin in Westminster Summer Wedding

I love this image of Camri getting her veil on.
I want to make sure to get the full story, and that includes the groom getting ready.
Getting ready for the first look. I highly recommend a first look. It allows the two of you to have a private moment that you might not get the rest of the day. You celebration is filled with family and friends. The first look is the most private moment you can reserve for yourselves.
I am in the vicinity, but I am so far away, I cannot hear anything that is said. This is your moment alone.
Camri’s Flowers were DIY….she did such a great job I was fooled.
No matter what, when you walk down the aisle you will be filled with emotions.
I loved this braiding of the rope and tying of the knot.
There were some intense storm clouds looming off to the west…you better believe I was on that.
Westin in Westminster Wedding
Are you having a reception in a hotel? Please check out these other hotel weddings
Katie and Tyler